The Frequency Shift (Wave X) – Dr. Simon Atkins… and Other Observations


Good afternoon from an overcast but pleasantly warm Surrey.

Things have been becoming quite, quite busy around the World, haven’t they? Greece in crisis, Chinese stockmarkets crashing, the mainstream media totally airbrushing global protests out of the picture.

Have you noticed people have been behaving strangely? People you have known for years just changing without good reason? Have you even felt yourself changing, feeling a desire to lead an altruistic life? Have you felt yourself wanting to connect to nature? Are you shedding long-held beliefs, like ill-fitting clothes which whilst may be fashionable are not really representative of you?

You are not alone.

As many of my good friends know, I am an ardent admirer of the works of Dr. Simon Atkins of the Advanced Forecasting Corporation. Dr. Simon is the author of the Skyaia® series of books and hosts his own Skyaia® Show on The Robert Christian Show Network. I was honoured to have joined Dr. Simon and Robert on one of Robert’s shows back in October 2013 – and this highly energetic meeting is shared with you all on my blog posting, ‘The Robert Christian Show – Dr. Simon Returns… and a Heartfelt Thank You to Two Amazing Men‘.

During that October show, Dr. Simon was discussing the immense changes that were starting to affect humanity even at that stage. And it is fascinating – yet also slightly frightening – that these changes are becoming ever more evident today.

In a number of recent interviews, Dr. Simon has been expanding upon these changes. Indeed, the latest edition of the Skyaia® Show – Frequency Shift/Wave X Predictions: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly… covers the subject with a greater depth.

During the show, Dr. Simon talks about the coming energy wave which he believes has already commenced. The origins of the wave, its likely impacts and the changes evident in today’s society are discussed at length:

Also recommended listening are the following shows:

The Cosmic Awakening Show with Michelle Walling (July 3rd 2015)


The Phoenix Rising Radio Show with Phoenix (July 9th 2015)


Pigeon Coming Back From Outer Space

My Observations

The coming changes (and I do agree with Dr. Simon that those changes are already well underway) has been a frequent topic of discussion with my Sister and Grandfather over the years.

Dr. Simon’s mentioning of the Energy Wave potentially emanating as a result of a supernova aftermath is interesting in light of a November 2011 comment from my Sister:

… ‘The Creator’s powers are such that she can arrange something like a supernova explosion to serve a purpose 1000s of years of advance of when it will be needed. The greatest example is that shockwave which affected this Planet 13,500 years ago. The supernova explosion occurred c. 29,500 years before the time it was needed‘ …

Any evidence for this? Refer to the incredible work by Richard Firestone, Allen West and Simon Warwick-Smith – ‘The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes: How a Stone-Age Comet Changed the Course of World Culture‘…

She has also mentioned this:

From November 2011 and February 2013: ‘The switch has truly been flicked. Something has gone supernova.

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My Sister has suggested that our very own Star may well be a potential source of origin for a potential energy wave. She has also mentioned that these Changes must – and will – occur:

From early 2012: ‘These changes must occur but humans are resistant to change. The problem is, the longer that those who allege to be in charge try to mitigate solar changes, the worse the problems will become. Mother Nature is a powerful force. The more they try to stop these changes, the harder she will kick back. Mankind is about to gets its backside truly and monumentally kicked‘.

It is also no secret that our Planet’s magnetosphere is weakening and that, indeed, her magnetic poles are migrating at an accelerated pace – in preparation for a likely reversal. I have covered this topic at depth on my Blog although my last posting, ‘Thoughts: Earth’s Magnetic Reversal’ from April 19th, 2015‘, serves as a great springboard into further research on the topic.

Dr. Simon’s observations in relation to an expected increase in extrasensory gifts, with a correlating increase in ‘ghost’ sightings, have also been mentioned by my Sister – although my Sister’s viewpoint is that the planet’s changing magnetic dynamics are helping to re-kick those dormant synapses back into life. Indeed, my July 27th 2013 blog posting, ‘Interdimensional Overdrive‘ shares some of her viewpoints:

From the post: ‘…If I have interpreted her words correctly – my Sister indicated that the weakening of the Geomagnetic Field would also present humanity with some particularly unusual side effects. She commented that there would be increased incidences of paranormal activity – specifically in relation to what we label as hauntings, whether they be of an interactive or residual nature. She was careful to enunciate that only humans consider these sightings as hauntings. You see, she also categorically stated that ghosts and psychic phenomena do not exist as we understand them. Our current existence within this particular timescale is just an additional layer sandwiched in between many non-linear layers co-existing within the same temporal landscape.

She has strongly indicated that our entire Solar System is being affected by an energetic change – moving into a far more dense area of space – which the System has witnessed and experienced before. Is it possible that our entire Solar System is already beginning to feel the effects from an incredibly powerful supernova event?

Indeed, such is the depth and breadth of information revealed during our sisterly conversations over the years, one feels that it is necessary to focus such within the boundaries of a dedicated posting. However, the above gives you some idea of the scope of our conversations.

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Never fear change…

The overall message for you though is precisely this: yes, we may well be facing a period of what may be termed as considerable tumult but we are the witnesses of an era that will be the point of origin of future legends. Focus on your strengths, your gifts and how you can help others when the time for change arrives. Embrace those changes with open arms, for with change comes the birth of something new, something amazing.

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