Tag Archives: Current Events

SOTT Earth Changes Summary – October 2015: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

For anyone in any doubt that our Planet is undergoing extensive changes… there seems to have been an immense amount of ‘record-breaking’ events occurring during recent months. I suspect they are bound to accelerate. As frightening as it may seem, please try to release your fears.

Thank you to dear Annette of the always informative AscendingStarseed blog for sharing this video and article with us.

The Path to Choose


Good evening from the beautifully verdant and peaceful county of Surrey.

I have been facing a conundrum of late… one that I summed up succinctly on a Facebook posting of mine yesterday:

Just re-reading the original full manuscript of my book, which originally contained about 540 pages worth of material. Such was the volume of the material, I decided to break the book down into manageable ‘chunks’, so to speak.

When I say I’m struggling to decide which book (2 or 3) requires prioritising, I truly mean it. Given that Book 2 is focusing on the United States of America – and given that many of the events I was starting to write/am already writing about – are happening now, I’m beginning to debate whether to convert that book into blog postings. It is probable that I will follow this course of action.

This will then enable me to focus on Book 3, which covers geological and astrophysical subjects covered by Grandad and Sis.

Sounds like a good plan to me

And this is precisely what I am intending to do.

North America on Globe

The United States of America… a country very close to my heart, a country filled to the brim with good friends, thanks to FreedomSlips Revolution Radio.

The country is also very close to my Sister’s heart as it is the location of her new Earthly home. Whilst she has always acknowledged that the country is going to face considerable challenges (and arguably already is) – and that she herself felt some trepidation prior to her reincarnation – she has assured me that the spirit of the American people is strong, that they will face those challenges fearlessly with steely determination and compassion.

Over the coming days, I shall be sharing information provided to me over the years by my Grandfather and my Sister. I acknowledge in advance that some of the details may be considered controversial. Even during her life, my Sister always stood for fairness, always cautioning that one should remain non-judgmental (“… everyone screws up so who are we to judge…?“). Thus, she has provided panoramas to many pictures, providing completeness to much which, to me at least, had been obscured.

The subjects to be covered are:

a)   Facts of Fictions or Fictionalised Fact – the Life Stories of Presidents;
b)   The Current Situation as it Stands;
c)   The Increasing Rise of the Police State;
d)   The Foolish Prodding of Mother Bear;
e)   Assassination or Coup d’Êtat – America’s Last President;
f)    The Determination of the Good American People – the Future;
g)   9/11.

For now, I will share the introduction I had originally written for the second book. I had reproduced one of my blog postings as part of the introduction so shall only provide the appropriate link to the blog concerned.

As I type, I am listening to livestreaming of the Million Mask March – an incredibly momentous event happening simultaneously in 400 different locations around the World.

People are becoming increasingly angry at the intransigence and corruption endemic within bloated global Governments – all bought and paid for by the Corporations who contributed financially to so-called bipartisan parties during the Kabuki Theatre otherwise known as electioneering.

Personal liberties and rights to free speech are becoming eroded each and every day. Governments are increasingly showing signs of fearing the very people who elected them to serve their interests. Stamping down on individual freedoms with measures draconian enough to send shivers down the ghosts of Orwell’s and Huxley’s spines… yes, Governments are certainly fearing the people.

Certain countries around the World are accustomed to such restrictions already, with many countries in former Soviet regions still subject to the rules that hampered progress under previous rule. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. However, one particular country prides itself on its reputation as the bastion of free speech, the home of the free and the brave… and suddenly, the people are finally facing the daunting realisation that everything they believed was true is only an illusion.

My Sister’s warnings pertaining to the future of the United States of America have not eased up. If anything, they have intensified in recent times. The wealth of information provided has been such that it has been necessary to collate the messages and the corresponding research into sub-sections (chapters). From the natural disasters that have afflicted the United States with an ever-increasing ferocity in recent times, to the day that changed the world back in 2001… there is much ground to cover.

Back on 18 June 2013, I posted a blog covering the pains awaiting the United States of America. I feel it prudent at this point to reproduce this blog posting here…

A Time To Be Candid – Part Two

And I shall close this blog with an image shared on the 18th June 2013 blog:

Lost Themselves Long Ago

Lost Themselves Long Ago
Image of ‘The Western Front of the US Capitol‘ from Wikipedia;
Image of ‘St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome from the roof of Castel Sant’Angelo‘ from Wikipedia;
Image of ‘Aerial View of St. Paul’s Cathedral‘ from Wikipedia.

Each kindness that you do travels thru space and time touching all ~ by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Good afternoon from the beautiful warm county of Surrey. I’d just like to thank the amazing Annette of the 2012 The Awakening (ascendingstarseed) blog for sharing this article with us.

Many of us are coming to terms with life events which are moving with such breathtaking speed, one struggles to catch one’s breath.  Change after change.. one big change happens and there is no time to rest before the next change arrives.  It is relentless.  And it will be this way for a while. Has to be. For what is coming.. for what is already upon us.

Aspects of self coming to light, needing to be recognised – accepted, forgiven and loved in many cases, prior to reconciliation into the one. Healing has been initiated for what could be perceived as ‘errors’ from past lives.  Many are meeting old souls whom have been known for many, many lives – with palpable feelings of such relief upon being reunited with those souls.

This is important. Has to happen. Needs to. The threshold of change that will – is already beginning to – wash over us, will affect every single soul upon this planet. And it is a necessity, one that should be welcomed with open arms.  Not feared.  Just welcomed, as one would welcome a dear old friend 🙂
Thank you to Gillian MacBeth-Louthan for sharing her words of wisdom with us all. Thank you indeed ❤


A good, solid post from Linda Sky in relation to the Jade Helm 15 military exercise due to commence in the United States in a few weeks’ time… although it is arguable that this isn’t happening already. Are there reasons for concerns? Well.. the questions asked in the article are just questions. The map alone should serve as a considerable springboard for concern.
My colleagues at FreedomSlips Revolution Radio have been discussing the Jade Helm 15 exercises.. and where they feel this may lead. My Sister and I have also been discussing Jade Helm. Of course, she is unsurprised by this turn of events, given she warned that the United States of America would become a ‘fascist state’.. a warning she issued back in January 2010. Whilst discernment is always recommended, I also feel it is prudent to remind everyone that sometimes… the truth is hidden in plain sight. My own interpretation of the Jade Helm 15 exercises will follow over the coming days.
Thank you Linda for posting the article. Very much appreciated.

earth change affirmations

Ok… I don’t think I’m the only one who is completely confused and doesn’t know what to think about Jade Helm… a hoax and non-event, according to  Gordon Duff of VT ? Nothing to fear, with assurances that the cabal is being taken down,  as Drake, Cobra and Fulford say? A last-ditch effort to create chaos and implement martial law as countless others say?  Something to make fun of and laugh off, as John Stewart would have you believe? (That alone I find slightly alarming.) I am grateful that someone with the intelligence and ability to connect dots like Kerry Cassidy has taken this on, and she sees cause for concern. Her previous articles on the subject are very worth the read as well, links below. This all said, use descretion. – Linda Sky


(picture taken from:  http://american3rdposition.com/wp-content/uploads/Jade-Helm-Martial-Law-WW3-Prep-Document-1.pdf )

In light of recent happenings around the whole subject matter concerning Jade…

View original post 379 more words

RT: Europe slouching towards anxiety & war, by Pepe Escobar

Well written, intelligent and chilling; Pepe Escobar’s observations on the current situations facing Europe – published on the always informative Russia Today website – provides us with an insight as to the situations affecting a continent – a continent fracturing apart on a daily basis. A continent that will be caught up in the midst of the most dangerous chess game facing mankind, certainly in the life cycle of this civilisation. And a change that arguably is already underway…
… thank you to Jean Haines of the ever-incredible 2012-What’s The Real Truth site for sharing this article with us.

Willow’s World… an Update

Godstone Views

Good afternoon from a blustery and chilly Surrey and hoping you’re all having a wonderful New Year thus far.

I would like to apologise for not having posted an update sooner. The absence of observational blogs from me has not been deliberate and I hope to redress this in the coming weeks. However, I will say this… this coming year will see changes.


Willow’s World
As you are all aware, I host my own show on what is undoubtedly the World’s largest listener-supported Radio Station, FreedomSlips Revolution Radio – and I remain as honoured, humbled and grateful now as I did when I first stepped tentatively into the world of broadcasting back on 12 September 2013. ‘Willow’s World’ is on air twice weekly – Mondays and Wednesdays, from Midnight until 2am EST (5am until 7am GMT) on Studio A – and covers not only current affairs but topics of an eclectic nature, being joined by wonderful friends during the morning’s journey. I am aiming to broaden those particular horizons over the coming months, perhaps dedicating one show a month to one of the subjects discussed with my Sister and Grandfather during our many conversations over the years. I would also like to explore the possibility of inviting a guest on to a couple of the shows each month. In fact, I already have a mental list of fascinating and inspiring people I would love to invite on to the show… we shall see 🙂

I will be working towards uploading recordings of ‘Willow’s World‘ onto my You Tube Channel over the coming weeks and shall share them here with you as soon as I can.

Antique Typewriter Keys

The Second Book
As you may remember from earlier blog postings, I had confided that I was facing a dilemma of sorts – whether to proceed with writing Book 2 or to allow Book 3 to take precedence. As hinted above, the changes that we are facing, or perhaps are arguably already experiencing, had led me to seriously lengthy ponderings as to which topics required the utmost prioritisation. After careful consideration and consultation with my Sister, I have decided that Book 2 – which is already two-thirds completed – will become the first to reach the typewritten finishing line. The focus of the book – The United States of America – remains unchanged.

The pages will detail the revelations provided by my Sister over the years – coup d’états concealed chillingly under the cloaks of assassinations, the changing climate which will begin to alter the country’s features once more, political skulduggery and her own explanation of what had really transpired on the day of September 11th, 2001. The book will be presented ‘as is’ – conversations interwoven with personal opinion, referencing research gleaned from many sources from the Web.

The United States of America has faced many metamorphoses over the centuries. Her beautiful landscapes are haunted by the ghosts of genocide, revolution, injustice and greed yet in spite of the trials she has faced, she retains her incredible, tenacious heart. My Sister has long voiced her admiration of the many beautiful souls who are proud to call America their home. She has long cautioned that the country is about to face its greatest challenge yet. In fact, it is coldly accurate to state that this particular war has already begun. The enemy of the people? Well… let’s just say it’s an inside job, shall we?

However, she has also voiced the drumbeat sounds of hope are becoming ever louder in the hearts of the many on American shores – good men and women awakening to the painful truth of what is happening to their country – good men and women who are not going to just sit back and watch everything fall apart. The main message of the book is exactly that – hope must never be abandoned and the strength and power of the human soul must never, ever be underestimated.

New Year Clip Art

The Coming Year

“There’s a real shift going on now…
… I get a feeling that this year is going to be quite seismic in terms of the shift… the winds of change are almost becoming tornadic in strength. Could even be literal as well as metaphorical.
(Those with an agenda)… their game is almost up – and they know it.
We do have the chance to break this chain. A really strong chance of breaking it. Just got to remain focused.
… this change must happen… we’re not quite there but almost.”

These are paraphrased quotes of mine from a conversation with a dear friend earlier today. And yes… these changes MUST happen. My Grandfather and Sister have never once promised that these changes would be easy. Human beings are naturally resistant to change, especially those who have deluded themselves into believing that they have control over everything – and, in fact, it is THIS particular awakening which will be the most dangerous to us.

I shall conclude with quotes from my June 3rd 2014 posting, ‘We Are All Here Together For A Reason‘:

“We are undergoing many changes here on our beautiful Planet… a secret battle for the hearts and minds of humans, if you will. A battle for ultimate control, even. Individuals who have the chance to change everything for the better eschewing common sense and compassion for corporate empire-building, grabbing everything they can with hungry hands.

For those of us witnessing these shenanigans, life can be quite unpleasant at times. These so-called ‘paragons of virtue’ stripping good people of their livelihoods and dignity – just because they can – truly have no compassion. Playing games of ‘divide and conquer’, pushing their agenda of ‘master and servant’ further down the throats of people who just want to get on with their lives.

Before I reach the point that I’m going to reach, I’d like to identify whom I define as ‘the powers that think-they-are’. Political families and alleged bipartisan organisations, CEOs and heads of the mega-Banking conglomerates, the big corporations, the establishments behind the thrones, the Curia of the Vatican and their ilk in all organised religions, secret organisations. And also before I reach my point, I would also like to remind everyone that there are good people within any organisation. I would advise proceeding with extreme caution before tarring everyone with the same brush.

Something else these corrupt organisations have done is to corrupt verbal and written communication. For example, the meaning of the word ‘Apocalypse’. Excuse me for butting in but… I have a strong recollection that ‘Apocalypse’ means the ‘Great Awakening’. Many good people around our beautiful Planet have learned that the truth isn’t that which has been dictated almost verbatim in various educational establishments around the World, gleaned from history books edited and written by the victors of bloody wars. As my Sister commented many years ago, ‘everything you have been taught at School is wrong‘. The only thing I have to say to those who believe they wield total control over all – self-delusion is a terrible thing. Are you so totally blinded by power and control that you cannot see that, perhaps, the biggest delusion is that you have control at all? Have you not ever considered once in the past couple of thousand years or longer that you never have had control in the first place?”

“We are all here at the right time, where we are supposed to be for what is about to occur which, although initially appears daunting to even the strongest of souls, will eventually settle into something so, so beautiful. We agreed to be here, our souls open to experiencing the rollercoaster ride that is this time on our beautiful Planet. And Gaia is beautiful, perfect in every single way… she just happens to have a few guests who are what could be perceived as unruly and ungracious in many ways.

I tend to look at mistakes in a different way – yes, we do learn from what we perceive as mistakes (and, let’s face it, how many of us here have been warned in advance to avoid taking certain routes, only to ignore those warnings and finding ourselves facepalming at the outcome). We learn from experiences that were always going to challenge us in one form or another. This was all planned many years ago.. so much further back than the human mind can comprehend although only moments ago from the perspective of the Higher Beings (the Collective?).

More importantly, we have all found each other at the right time. I’ve lost count of the amount of synchronicities in my life recently, meeting people I have known in previous lives in different bodies, finding the comforting arms of kindred spirits that reach out to surround us with their love from wherever they are around Gaia’s beautiful lands.”

And finally…

“As for those fleeing to their underground hideaways… well, as Sis says.. ‘last place anyone would want to be when the time comes’. Far safer above ground… far, far safer.

She has assured me that there is hope and has implored that we should never give up hope. The birth of something beautiful, something new is always preceded by pain. We must not fear this change.

And we must never give up on love…”

Lightning Strikes Library of Congress in D.C.

Interesting post here from my dear friend Annette. Is this some sort of sign? Seems a bit too much of a coincidence, doesn’t it….?

We Are All Here Together For A Reason


Good afternoon from the slightly overcast, yet divinely beautiful county of Surrey.

Prior to writing this blog posting, I will state that I will be following a definitive stream of consciousness… flowing down an intellectual waterway one has explored many times during my fortysomething life, yet always intrigued to discover something I had not noticed before.

Synchronicity is an immensely strange, yet beautiful self-perpetuating action in many ways. With immense thanks to the informative and inspiring Transients.info blog, I came across the extraordinary WordPress website of an amazing group of people, who post the glorious artworks and thoughts of a remarkable individual known as Valiant.

There are many friendly faces to see, reassuring voices to be heard at the gathering place known as the ‘No More Sleeping‘ blog. Valiant’s warnings of an event which – it could be suggested we are already in the midst of – are reminiscent of similar warnings given to me by my Sister and Grandfather over the years.

I have commented on a few of the threads and would love to say thank you to jopipe and mike0v for their responses. I’d like to share my responses with everyone here, with a view to expanding upon those comments further. I’ll admit that this is not going to be an easy blog to write yet I also know that I will have been glad to share my feelings with everyone.

Furthermore, the ultimate message is a positive one. It’s not the first time humanity has found itself in this particular position over the duration of its (much longer than publicly acknowledged) history… as I have always said, change must not be feared. And for that very reason, I’m going to tackle what my Sister calls ‘the heavy stuff’ first.


Quoted from response to fellow WordPress blogger from the thread ‘The Clock Strikes Three‘ 15 May 2014

… my heart aches and breaks with you, with all the wonderful people here with us. I have been told similar by my late Sister. I’m crying while I’m typing this response to you. Crying because I have tried to warn people as best I can but also crying because I accept that this has to happen. I am ready for this to happen, more than ready… and will help as much as I can.

As for those fleeing to their underground hideaways… well, as Sis says.. ‘last place anyone would want to be when the time comes’. Far safer above ground… far, far safer.

She has assured me that there is hope and has implored that we should never give up hope. The birth of something beautiful, something new is always preceded by pain. We must not fear this change.

And we must never give up on love.

We are undergoing many changes here on our beautiful Planet… a secret battle for the hearts and minds of humans, if you will. A battle for ultimate control, even. Individuals who have the chance to change everything for the better eschewing common sense and compassion for corporate empire-building, grabbing everything they can with hungry hands.

For those of us witnessing these shenanigans, life can be quite unpleasant at times. These so-called ‘paragons of virtue’ stripping good people of their livelihoods and dignity – just because they can – truly have no compassion. Playing games of ‘divide and conquer’, pushing their agenda of ‘master and servant’ further down the throats of people who just want to get on with their lives.

Before I reach the point that I’m going to reach, I’d like to identify whom I define as ‘the powers that think-they-are’. Political families and alleged bipartisan organisations, CEOs and heads of the mega-Banking conglomerates, the big corporations, the establishments behind the thrones, the Curia of the Vatican and their ilk in all organised religions, secret organisations. And also before I reach my point, I would also like to remind everyone that there are good people within any organisation. I would advise proceeding with extreme caution before tarring everyone with the same brush.

Something else these corrupt organisations have done is to corrupt verbal and written communication. For example, the meaning of the word ‘Armageddon’. Excuse me for butting in but… I have a strong recollection that ‘Armageddon’ means the ‘Great Awakening’. Many good people around our beautiful Planet have learned that the truth isn’t that which has been dictated almost verbatim in various educational establishments around the World, gleaned from history books edited and written by the victors of bloody wars. As my Sister commented many years ago, ‘everything you have been taught at School is wrong‘. The only thing I have to say to those who believe they wield total control over all – self-delusion is a terrible thing. Are you so totally blinded by power and control that you cannot see that, perhaps, the biggest delusion is that you have control at all? Have you not ever considered once in the past couple of thousand years or longer that you never have had control in the first place?

Spiritual Networks - Soul Groups Reincarnate Together

Quoted from response to fellow WordPress blogger from ‘Epilogue from ‘Higher Forces‘, 25 May 2014

We are all here at the right time, where we are supposed to be for what is about to occur which, although initially appears daunting to even the strongest of souls, will eventually settle into something so, so beautiful. We agreed to be here, our souls open to experiencing the rollercoaster ride that is this time on our beautiful Planet. And Gaia is beautiful, perfect in every single way… she just happens to have a few guests who are what could be perceived as unruly and ungracious in many ways.

I tend to look at mistakes in a different way – yes, we do learn from what we perceive as mistakes (and, let’s face it, how many of us here have been warned in advance to avoid taking certain routes, only to ignore those warnings and finding ourselves facepalming at the outcome). We learn from experiences that were always going to challenge us in one form or another. This was all planned many years ago.. so much further back than the human mind can comprehend although only moments ago from the perspective of the Higher Beings (the Collective?).

More importantly, we have all found each other at the right time. I’ve lost count of the amount of synchronicities in my life recently, meeting people I have known in previous lives in different bodies, finding the comforting arms of kindred spirits that reach out to surround us with their love from wherever they are around Gaia’s beautiful lands.

I hope I make sense in some way because trying to describe what one sees, understand what one has been told… can be challenging at times.

A sentiment I have observed is the expressing of regrets over mistakes made during one’s life on Gaia. I’m pretty certain that there is no person walking upon this Planet who doesn’t harbour any regrets over mistakes. Mistakes are a challenging part of life as a human. It is also a potentially thorny subject – one which has been the subject of discussion with my Sister. She assures me that there are no such things as mistakes as we perceive them – they are merely challenges which must be overcome, challenges we agreed to face for our own personal soul development before we were even blinks in our parents’ eyes. Doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t feel remorse or regret over the mistake, for we wouldn’t learn from them otherwise – we just shouldn’t beat ourselves up about them so much. Learn from the mistake, overcome it and move on to pastures new.

One of the expressions I have been blessed to hear with a delicious level of frequency nowadays is… ‘we have all come together at this time for a reason’. I should know.. I’ve said it myself to many good friends on the American side of the Atlantic seaboard. As my Sister herself has said, ‘you don’t realise how lucky you are to be alive at this time‘. The reassuring sentiment that arises during such conversations is the understanding that, although the ride is likely to become tumultuous to the point of being outright terrifying at times, it’s an exciting one to be on nonetheless.

It is absolutely no coincidence that soul groups and kindred spirits have come together at this time. All these groupings, the kindred spirits, have lived through almost identical circumstances to those we face today – and have learned from the mistakes made during those civilisations in preparation for the Now. The Higher Beings have been mentioned by many; I am interpreting these beings to be the very same ‘Collective’ my Sister has referenced during our conversations. As mentioned above, ‘Armageddon’ is an awakening.. and is likely to bring about potentially arduous experiences when the truly asleep (i.e., those who have deluded themselves into believing they control all) awaken. We must stand strong in the face of this particular aftermath.

A note of reassurance, however. To borrow a quote from the sublime ‘Doctor Who‘; ‘The moment’, as the Fourth Doctor says prior to regenerating into his Fifth form, ‘has been prepared for.’

Everything is in perfect order.

The Robert Christian Show with Dr. Simon Atkins and Co-Host, Joey Shane (28 February 2014)

Earth's Magnetic Field

Good morning from the beautiful yet slightly muggy county of Surrey.

As all of my dear WordPress family are aware, I was delighted to have found myself discovering the incredible Robert Christian Show following a beautiful set of serendipitous connections – from Suspicious Observers to Dr. Simon Atkins as it were. After sharing Robert’s and Dr. Simon’s three hour opus of heartfelt intellectual conversation, I was incredibly blessed to join Robert’s Friday 4th October 2013 show, ‘Dr. Simon Returns’. I was honoured to be in the company of two truly warm-hearted intellectuals and savoured the enlightening 120 minute journey that followed, shared excitedly with you all in my 6th October 2013 blog posting, ‘The Robert Christian Show: Dr. Simon Returns… and a Heartfelt Thank You to Two Amazing Men‘.

Robert and Dr. Simon have enjoyed a couple of meetings of their mighty minds since our October 2013 journey, joined by Robert’s engaging and equally erudite Co-Host, Joey Shane. And once more, I would like to share their 28 February 2014 show with you.

Robert, Joey and Dr. Simon cover a breathtaking array of thought-provoking topics in this 2-hour show. The unusual weather patterns which were affecting the North Atlantic countries as a result of the ‘Polar Vortex’ are discussed. The New Social Movements which are awakening on a global scale are debated, along with the geomagnetic and biological effects of solar flares/changes in solar energy (a subject I have also covered in earlier blogs). Dr. Simon also chats about his new projects and discusses the many ways that we can bring about positive change in our lives.

And before I share their journey with you, I would like to thank Robert, Dr. Simon and Joey for such an educational and entertaining show. Joey, it’s a pleasure to meet you…

… from my Beautiful Surrey …

Image from Surrey Hills Explore

Image from Surrey Hills Explore

Good evening from the beautiful county of Surrey…

… I apologise for the lack of blogging for the past couple of months. There is so, so much going on in the World right now… I am watching events described by my Sister and Grandfather months (even years in some instances) ago unfold. Connections that did not make sense in the context of the times, now glaringly apparent to me. The sequence of events are falling into place. For example, the Russian Connection was mentioned by my Sister 3-4 years ago. Her advice at the time – don’t believe what is said about Russia. We have chatted about the Ukrainian situation recently and she has confirmed that this was the connection to the Global Situation referenced at the time. Keep a close eye on the sudden rapid escalation of events in the Ukraine, keep a very discerning eye on Western media reports and understand that people can no longer be fooled by the same old box of deceitful tricks used by various Establishments around the World.

The Emancipation of Nations kidnapped silently by aggressors from the inside – bought and paid for by bored wealthy families with nothing to aspire to other than the total control of humanity and Mother Earth – has commenced. May not seem obvious right now but it has. Awakening from the slumbers is often unpleasant. And many of us around the World have begun our awakening, at different stages of time. “A necessity”, my Sister has mentioned in the past. There needs to be a support system in place for those who have realised that life isn’t what it seems to be – those who have been through those angry first moments of realisation and have attained a peace of mind that change can and will be effected. We have nothing to fear. The deceitful perpetrators, however… they should be fearful. Must be pretty painful not being able to trust the reflection staring back at them from the mirror…

And please don’t feel alarmed by this blog posting. We all chose to be here at this time, even if we’re not consciously aware of that choice from long ago. Compare this time of Gaia’s history to a ride on a rollercoaster… it’s going to be terrifying at certain junctions of the track, breathtaking at points… yet there will be points where the ride will temporarily glide to a halt at the very apex of the track. And the view will be so clear, so stunning. Bear this all in mind over the coming weeks and months. It is all going to be so, so worthwhile.

I have posted a beautiful picture of one of my favourite views from the Surrey Hills – Redlands at Dawn. Just seems appropriate at this time.