Tag Archives: Solar Activity

Our Planet’s Weakening Magnetosphere


Good afternoon from a very warm and muggy Surrey.

Almost a year ago, I posted a blog entitled ‘Thoughts: Interdimensional Overdrive’, predominantly covering the theme of geomagnetic reversal and its potential effects on our beautiful Planet.

Quoting from the 27 July 2013 posting: “Geomagnetic North and South Poles are wandering and will continue their meanderings until they finally decide upon a permanent move. My Sister has compared the speed of the switch as ‘comparable to the snapping of an elastic band‘. There will be no land-consuming mega-tsunami, no folding of mountains, etc. To quote my Sister, ‘there will be an abundance of auroras all over the World while the Poles are deciding where they are finally going to settle‘. That’s not to say that there won’t be effects on everyday life – there certainly would be. She has suggested a possible connection between increased volcanic/tectonic activity and magnetic instability. It stands to reason that our Planet would need to release the pressures incurred during particularly stressful transitional periods in its cycle – necessary for our Planet’s wellbeing… humans may not share that particular viewpoint.

I have been meticulously studying the notes of my many conversations with my Sister. Interestingly, I came across the notes of one of our January 2011 conversations, during which my Sister revealed:-

  1. Geomagnetic flips occur more frequently than is believed;
  2. The reason the magnetosphere is weakening (i.e. the Planet’s preparation for its geomagnetic flip);
  3. Magnetic changes being ‘behind’ the increased animal deaths, human behavioural changes, increased volcanic/tectonic action and climate extremes/changes;
  4. The suddenness of the changes and the fact that the reversal was fairly imminent in our timescale.

Magnetic Field

On July 8th 2014, The European Space Agency (*1) announced that the changes measured by the SWARM satellite indicated that our Planet’s magnetic shield is weakening at an increasingly accelerated rate. The weakest areas have emerged over the Western Hemisphere whilst there has been strengthening of the field over regions of Asia and the Southern Indian Ocean. Indeed, the SWARM Mission Team appear to have concluded that the likely reason for the acceleration is our shield is readying itself for a flip/reversal. The Team has assured that there ‘is no evidence that a weakened magnetic field would result in a doomsday for Earth’.

As mentioned above, my Sister had offered reassurance that the geomagnetic reversal cycle would not be as dramatically cataclysmic as the scenarios presented in countless disaster movies. She maintained that whilst there would be effects on our everyday lives, they would be mainly inconsequential. However, there are concerns from certain quarters of the Scientific Community that the effects could be potentially far-reaching in their consequences.

These concerns were presented in two separate videos by the incredible Ben Davidson (a.k.a., Suspicious 0bservers). The first video, ‘Super-Flood‘ was released prior to the ESA SWARM announcement and covers the possible consequences of the weakening magnetic field. There is an exploration of the possible links to the many ancient multi-cultural flood legends and the likelihood that the Sun is entering a quiet period of its cycle (the Maunder Minimum). Ben also provides links to peer-reviewed research that suggests a possible link between Mass Extinction Event hypoxia and weakened global magnetic fields:-

Ben’s second video, ‘Magnetic Field in Trouble‘ was released upon the publication of the ESA SWARM Team’s findings. Consequences are further explored in this brief video, which I also share below:-

My own conclusions and my own opinions? Mankind has almost certainly observed and experienced geomagnetic reversals during its long history of life on this amazing planet. Whilst scientists, geologists and many gifted researchers have gathered evidence aplenty of the geological effects of previous geomagnetic reversals, we have not yet experienced the actual phenomenon during the history of this particular civilisation. Every single piece of evidence uncovered goes towards slotting further pieces into the veritable jigsaw puzzle that is the true fullness of life on Earth. The old adage ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst’ might be the approach of many.

The process of geomagnetic reversal is undoubtedly underway. Rather than fearing potential cataclysm, let’s embrace the opportunities to study the phenomenon, to detail its effects for future posterity. A great mystery to be solved, beautiful sights in the skies as colourful auroras blaze in their fullest glory. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst by all means… but never, ever fear the cycle of change.

(*1): ‘Earth’s Magnetic Field is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now‘: LiveScience.com, 8 July 2014 (Kelly Dickerson).

Suspicious 0bservers: Major Plasma Filament – June 2014

Good afternoon from an overcast and rather damp Surrey.

As is well known, I respect the work of an incredible young man, Ben Davidson… better known as Suspicious0bservers.

Ben posted an interesting video yesterday evening, showing images of a rather impressive plasma filament on our beautiful Star… and it is stunning indeed. Whilst we shouldn’t overly fear anything, it may be wise, as always, just to keep a careful eye on the situation…

The Robert Christian Show with Dr. Simon Atkins and Co-Host, Joey Shane (28 February 2014)

Earth's Magnetic Field

Good morning from the beautiful yet slightly muggy county of Surrey.

As all of my dear WordPress family are aware, I was delighted to have found myself discovering the incredible Robert Christian Show following a beautiful set of serendipitous connections – from Suspicious Observers to Dr. Simon Atkins as it were. After sharing Robert’s and Dr. Simon’s three hour opus of heartfelt intellectual conversation, I was incredibly blessed to join Robert’s Friday 4th October 2013 show, ‘Dr. Simon Returns’. I was honoured to be in the company of two truly warm-hearted intellectuals and savoured the enlightening 120 minute journey that followed, shared excitedly with you all in my 6th October 2013 blog posting, ‘The Robert Christian Show: Dr. Simon Returns… and a Heartfelt Thank You to Two Amazing Men‘.

Robert and Dr. Simon have enjoyed a couple of meetings of their mighty minds since our October 2013 journey, joined by Robert’s engaging and equally erudite Co-Host, Joey Shane. And once more, I would like to share their 28 February 2014 show with you.

Robert, Joey and Dr. Simon cover a breathtaking array of thought-provoking topics in this 2-hour show. The unusual weather patterns which were affecting the North Atlantic countries as a result of the ‘Polar Vortex’ are discussed. The New Social Movements which are awakening on a global scale are debated, along with the geomagnetic and biological effects of solar flares/changes in solar energy (a subject I have also covered in earlier blogs). Dr. Simon also chats about his new projects and discusses the many ways that we can bring about positive change in our lives.

And before I share their journey with you, I would like to thank Robert, Dr. Simon and Joey for such an educational and entertaining show. Joey, it’s a pleasure to meet you…

The Next Level with Ace and Aurora (25 January 2014)

Fantastic Landscape Good evening from the waterlogged but still wonderful county of Surrey.

It’s been a busy but enormously enjoyable few weeks. On 25 January 2014, I was honoured and humbled to be invited to join two of my fellow hosts/producers on the second edition of their new FreedomSlips Revolution Radio show. Susan and Aurora Light-Sky host ‘The Next Level‘, which airs each Saturday at Midnight EST on the Station’s Studio B.

We chatted about a variety of topics, ranging from Earth and Solar System changes, The Electric Universe Theory, Near-Death Experiences, my appreciation of the BBC’s time travelling show ‘Doctor Who’ and also my Blogging here on WordPress.

We also discussed my maiden book ‘A Journey Into The Mysteries of Life (Book 1: The End of the Beginning)‘, – which details my early life, paranormal experiences, the lives of my Sister and Grandfather and the genesis of the communications that began from beyond the grave over 18 years ago.

Susan and Aurora are delightful hosts, immensely enjoyable company and two beautiful souls who I am honoured to know as my friends. We thoroughly enjoyed chatting on the Show – and I am delighted to share the show with you today…

(With many thanks to Susan and Aurora, who can also be found on their Blog, ‘The Next Level with Ace and Aurora‘. I would also like to thank Mike Ringley, the founder of FreedomSlips Revolution Radio, for just being his incredible self – and also to all of my friends at the Station. Thank you One and All 🙂 )

C(Lie)mate #3 – What Doesn’t Make The News (Suspicious 0bservers)

Good evening from a chilly Surrey.

As many of you know, I appreciate the work of a remarkable young man, known by his You Tube username of Suspicious 0bservers. His style of presentation is truly welcome to me; no nonsense, drily humoured, full-on-factual findings which a middle-aged brain such as mine finds easily digestible. He generously provides links to the reference data upon which he bases his observations, which have enabled me to merrily saunter down my own wooded pathways of investigation. Sometimes, those wooded pathways can become frighteningly dark, some hazardously impeded by thickets of conjectural brambles. Doesn’t lessen my enjoyment of the search for further knowledge – if anything, such hazards only increases the desire to complete my journey.

Suspicious Observers’ latest video is the third instalment of his highly informative series – ‘C(Lie)mate – What Doesn’t Make The News’. This instalment covers the changes affecting almost every single Planet of this incredible Solar System of ours. More importantly, S0 focuses on the condition of the majestic centrepiece of our Solar System – the Sun.

It is becoming very apparent that our Sun is certainly undergoing changes of her own. Earlier this week, I reblogged a Space.com article shared by Alvin of ‘The Extinction Protocol’ Blog, which detailed solar physicists’ concerns about the behaviour of our Star.

My Sister has remarked more than once that our Star is undergoing changes of her own, which I will expand upon in a later blog (hopefully over the weekend). She has revealed that these are changes that our scientists, solar physicists, etc. are well aware of – and may even be afraid of. Which, of course, is completely understandable. How do you explain the unexplainable to a general populace who have been (wrongfully) conditioned into believing that we should fear change…?

Sun exhibiting the more unusual, erratic behavior in recorded history?

Fascinating and thought-provoking article from the Space.com crew, kindly shared with us by Alvin of the always informative Extinction Protocol Blog (thank you Alvin). Given that changes are affecting the Solar System as a whole, would it be unreasonable to assume that our majestic Star may be undergoing significant changes of its own…?

The Extinction Protocol

November 11, 2013SPACESomething is up with the sun. Scientists say that solar activity is stranger than in a century or more, with the sun producing barely half the number of sunspots as expected and its magnetic poles oddly out of sync. The sun generates immense magnetic fields as it spins. Sunspots—often broader in diameter than Earth—mark areas of intense magnetic force that brew disruptive solar storms. These storms may abruptly lash their charged particles across millions of miles of space toward Earth, where they can short-circuit satellites, smother cellular signals or damage electrical systems. Based on historical records, astronomers say the sun this fall ought to be nearing the explosive climax of its approximate 11-year cycle of activity—the so-called solar maximum. But this peak is “a total punk,” said Jonathan Cirtain, who works at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration as project scientist for the Japanese…

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The Robert Christian Show: Dr. Simon Returns… and a Heartfelt Thank You to Two Amazing Men


Good afternoon from the beautifully warm and sun-kissed county of Surrey.

On July 26th, I posted a blog concerning the commencement of my journey of discovery in relation to the current uncertain condition of the seismicity of the Atlantic Ocean… an incredible path that led me from the hallway of Suspicious 0bservers‘ You Tube home to the incredible work of the Advanced Forecasting Corporation‘s Dr. Simon Atkins.

This beautifully serendipitous journey ultimately led me to an amazing radio station located in the coastal city of Seattle – The Robert Christian Show. The 21st June Robert Christian Show was a three hour meeting of the minds of two remarkable men, each blessed with an immense intellect, a deep love for humanity and a shared concern for the welfare of our beautiful Planet. During the opening moments of the show, Dr. Atkins promised to open the lid of Pandora’s Box… and this he did, with powerful aplomb.

However… my journey continued beyond that warm summer’s evening. Little did I realise that 180 minutes of educational enlightenment – and my Blog – would lead to an incredible invitation…

… synchronicity and serendipity (also known as Google and Twitter) led to a happy Surrey-Montevideo-Seattle triumvirate of communications. I was honoured, humbled and grateful to learn that Robert and Dr. Simon had read my July 26th Blog Posting. Their sweet words of kindness and gratitude were gracious gifts in and of themselves. Robert had another surprise in store for me… an unexpected invitation that I was honoured and humbled to receive.

Last Friday evening (Friday afternoon for my American friends), Dr. Simon Atkins returned to The Robert Christian Show… and I was honoured to join Robert and Dr. Simon for an incredibly enjoyable 2 hour journey; covering Planetary Threats (i.e., The Global Warming Scam, the possibility of a Mini Ice Age and the seismological instability of the Atlantic Ocean), Economic Volatility – especially in relation to the current United States Governmental Shutdown – and the Health Impacts of the immense change being thrust upon mankind were topics of immense concern to us. Dr. Simon offered positive advice for those contemplating a change of life. He also expanded upon the subjects of Interdimensional Transference, electromagnetic energy and levitation and the ability to create the life of one’s dreams through positive thinking… providing delicious food for thought for Robert and Yours Truly (plus many listeners too).

I am delighted to share last Friday’s show with you; but before I do…

… I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Robert and Dr. Simon for their kind invitation to join them on the Show. I was humbled by your kindness, your gratitude and warmth. You are both courageous and inspirational souls, covering topics and subjects that many may deem as controversial and/or fearful, in a non-confrontational and educational manner. Thank you 🙂

And Simon… thank you for continuing to remind everyone that the North Atlantic Ocean should not be disregarded or ignored…

4MIN News September 27, 2013: They Blame You

Thank you Linda for posting S0’s latest 4 Minute News segment. I sadly have to admit that the IPCC’s ‘findings’ come as no surprise to me.
We (my Sister and I) have been conversing on the subject of Earth Changes for a number of years now. She had cautioned that there would be attempts to place 100% blame on mankind’s activities. Whilst we’re not helping in many areas (note Fracking in particular) and could only benefit from finding cleaner energy sources (which I know are out there…) … we most certainly are not 100% responsible for these changes. And no matter what these so-called experts implement to offset/mitigate any effects of SOLAR SYSTEM CHANGE, they are bound to fail. Nature will take its course, with or without our co-operation. And with regard to blame…? As my Sister has remarked recently, ‘perhaps these ‘experts’ could benefit from the activity of taking a good, long hard look at themselves in the mirror’…

earth change affirmations

9-27-13 4min4MIN News September 27, 2013: They Blame You
by Suspicious Observers...LINK


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The Electric Comet – Full Documentary


Good evening from a slightly autumnal Surrey.

As many are aware from my earlier blog postings, I truly admire the work of the incredible Thunderbolts Project team. Whilst I have not yet reached a level whereby one could confidently explain the fundamentals of the Electric Universe Theory, I’m relishing every moment of learning alternate viewpoints of the workings of our Universe.

I have recently enjoyed conversations with my Sister in relation to a certain newsworthy comet, Comet C/2012_S1… you may have heard of it? With the contents of one particular conversation reverberating in my mind, I decided to treat myself to a viewing of the team’s seminal documentary video, ‘The Electric Comet‘.

The story that unfolds during the documentary provides an abundance of luncheons for one’s mental digestion. The Thunderbolts Project team have taken great care to ensure that the viewer isn’t blinded by science, eschewing complicated scientific terminology for easy-to-understand explanations of their findings.

And yes… I’ll admit to leaping up and down in my seat with delight upon reaching the closing credits. Not professional I know, yet I know that you’ll find the video as enlightening as I did…

(Documentary is posted for information and educational purposes only)

The Sun’s Magnetic Field is About to Flip

Thank you to my dear friend Annette for posting this interesting video. I’m going to keep my eye on this… a very close eye indeed…